TrainingPH’s Comprehensive Training Programs in Compliance and Competency Building

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and regulatory requirements, organizations face the dual challenge of ensuring compliance while also building the skills and competencies of their workforce. Enter TrainingPH, the premier provider of training programs meticulously designed to address both compliance obligations and competency building needs. From legal compliance to competency development, TrainingPH offers a comprehensive suite of training solutions to empower organizations and their teams for success.

Compliance Excellence: Aligning with Regulatory Standards

Compliance with legal and regulatory standards is paramount for any organization striving for excellence and sustainability. TrainingPH’s training programs are crafted with a keen focus on compliance with key legislation, including Republic Act 11036 (Mental Health Act), Republic Act 11058 (Occupational Safety and Health Standards Act), and the Data Privacy Act.

Through our compliance-focused training modules, organizations gain valuable insights into legal requirements, best practices, and strategies for ensuring adherence to regulatory standards. From promoting mental health awareness to enhancing occupational safety protocols and safeguarding data privacy, TrainingPH equips organizations with the knowledge and skills to navigate complex regulatory landscapes with confidence and integrity.

RA 11036RA 11058
Mental Health ActOccupational Safety and Health Act
Mental Health AwarenessMandatory Eight Hour OSH
This program equips the attendees with the knowledge about the importance of mental health and what to do if symptoms arise.In partnership with a DOLE STO, this program helps the company to comply with the requirements to have all employees undergo the Mandatory OSH program
Promoting Mental Health in the Workplace BOSH / COSH (SO2 Training)
This program equips leaders, supervisors, and managers, with the knowledge on leading a mentally safe workplace.In partnership with a DOLE STO, this program helps the company to comply with the requirements to have Safety Officers
Stress Management and Mindfulness WorkshopLoss Control Management

This program will help participants destress, be more mindful, and rejuvenate so they will be able to be more motivated and productive.
This Program is designed for Safety Officers, Supervisors and Managers who have undergone SO2 Training, to help them prevent losses and better manage risks.

#BetterTeams: Elevating Team Performance and Collaboration

In today’s interconnected and fast-paced work environment, the success of an organization often hinges on the effectiveness of its teams. TrainingPH’s #BetterTeams team development programs are designed to foster collaboration, communication, and cohesion among team members, driving improved performance and productivity.

Through interactive workshops, experiential activities, and team-building exercises, participants gain valuable insights into team dynamics, conflict resolution strategies, and effective communication techniques. By investing in #BetterTeams, organizations unlock the full potential of their teams, driving innovation, creativity, and success.


Competency Building Excellence: Empowering Skills Development

Competencies are the building blocks of success in today’s competitive business landscape. TrainingPH offers a wide range of competency-building programs designed to enhance essential skills and capabilities across various domains.

    • Communications Workshop: Enhance communication skills to effectively convey ideas, build relationships, and drive engagement.

    • MS Excel and PowerPoint Training: Master the essential tools for data analysis, presentation, and decision-making.

    • Human Capital Management Training: Develop expertise in managing and optimizing human resources to drive organizational success.

    • STEP-UP Supervisory and Management Development Workshops: Equip leaders with the skills and knowledge to excel in their roles and drive team performance.

    • Sales Workshop: Enhance sales skills and techniques to drive revenue growth and customer satisfaction.

Step-Up! Supervisory and Management Development Workshop Trian the Trainers and Mentor's Certification

Strategic Management Excellence: Navigating Organizational Growth

Strategic management is essential for guiding organizational growth, innovation, and resilience. TrainingPH offers strategic management programs designed to empower leaders and decision-makers with the tools and insights needed to navigate complex business environments effectively.

From strategic planning and business reviews to change management and organizational development, TrainingPH’s strategic management programs provide organizations with the guidance and expertise to formulate and execute winning strategies. By embracing strategic management excellence, organizations can adapt to change, capitalize on opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth.


In today’s dynamic and competitive business landscape, excellence in compliance and competency building is essential for organizational success. TrainingPH’s comprehensive training programs empower organizations to excel in both areas, ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory standards while also enhancing the skills and capabilities of their workforce. Embrace excellence with TrainingPH and unlock the full potential of your organization and its teams.